Accommodation in Daylesford

So you’re planning a trip to Daylesford and Hepburn Springs and have been tasked with finding the right accommodation? The area has thousands of options available for you, from ultimate luxury like The Lakehouse, trendy hotels like Hotel Frangos and some of the most stunning country homes.

Different styles of Accommodation in Daylesford

Daylesford and Hepburn Springs have some fantastic different style of accommodation options available. Hover over the different categories below to browse the different styles of accommodation available to you.

Our recommendations


It may sounds like a cliche but let’s start with location. Being a country town, getting around can be difficult, especially after you have enjoyed a few drinks in one of the many bars on offer.  While obviously taxis are available, services like Uber aren’t so you need to take this into consideration when planning where to stay.

Most of the hotels in Daylesford and Hepburn are within walking distance of most restaurants and bars. Hotel Frangos and The Royal Daylesford Hotel directly on Vincent Street, while The Farmers Arms a bit further towards East Street.

In Hepburn Springs,  Hotel Bellinzona and Peppers Mineral Springs line the main street and are in walking distance of most restaurants and bars.

Accommodation Deals in Daylesford

We all love a deal right? To save you the time of going through all accommodation website and searching for the cheapest deal, we’ve collected our favorites.

Hotel Accommodation in Daylesford

Daylesford and Hepburn Springs can proudly call themselves home to some of the most stunning boutique hotels in country Victoria. Have a look at your accommodation options in Daylesford.

Homes, Villas & Cottages

Prefer to have a beautiful country home to yourself with your friends or family? Daylesford and Hepburn Springs are full of beautiful country homes, villa’s and cottages that are being rented out as holiday accommodation.

While you can obviously find and book these via the big international booking sites like Airbnb and Stays, we have four proudly local management companies in town: Dayget Daylesford Getaways, Daylesford Country Retreats, The Houses Daylesford and Discover Daylesford. We highly recommend that you choose local and book with a local partner.

Pet Friendly Accommodation

Looking to bring your furry friend with you on your trip to Daylesford? We’ve got your covered. Have a look at all dog and cat friendly accommodation in the region.